Best practice installation & configuration

Best practice installation & configuration

At ANSecurity we appreciate that all companies are different. We will work with you to understand your business needs, what can be realistically attained given your company resources and what the technology can provide. Within our team, each consultant is assigned a subset of the vendors in our portfolio to specialise in and develop a deep understanding of.

The team also performs regular cross training to ensure that all members have a broad understanding of other technologies in the market. All our team members are passionate about technology and will often be found testing the latest technology out in our lab.


Network devices and programmes often require a broad and deep understanding of many areas within an IT network to make sure it aligns with other elements of the network, so you can maximise the potential of your existing infrastructure. Your team may have the knowledge, however, while committed to other projects, may lack necessary time to ensure that a new purchase is installed correctly or to reconfigure an existing device effectively. Or, you may have purchased a new product that no one in your team is familiar or has experience with. And you need an expert to lean on for help and advice.


We will start off with a scoping call, to establish exactly what your needs and requirements are. We will then produce a scope of work document detailing any prerequisites needed from you before we can complete the work, what will be doing for you and any testing which will be completed to confirm the work is complete. The scope of work will also cover how long we expect the work to take.

“Network devices and programmes often require a broad and deep understanding of many areas within an IT network to make sure it aligns with other elements of the network, so you can maximise the potential of your existing infrastructure.”

Best practice installation & configuration